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Altered States
The Quest of Remote Viewing
Recorded Class: offered by M. H. Schmidt
Remote viewing is described as the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target.This gift comes in most handy: finding missing persons, animals, keys to your car, checking in on the health of a loved one, ....ah, the gift of Remote Viewing that enables you to use your magical and intuitive powers! A gift that assists you through using your original senses and combines them with your extraordinary senses, without the limitations of time and space. Learn how others have done this, how the government has used this, and how you can do this. Exercises, instruction and individualized guidance in class forum taught by one of our most skilled remote viewers.
Astral Travel: Destination - Getting where you want to go
Recorded Class; $35; H. Bromm;
We've covered the basics of Astral Travel, now let's pack our bags and make sure we get to where we want to go. The ABC's of leaving your body and a guided out of body experience to the preplanned destination of your choice.
Keys to Portals, the stillness of the mind: meditations & altered states
RECORDED. Keys to Portals, the stillness of the mind:includes meditation, & altered states; recorded class with J.R.Maldonado.
Being in the "right frame of mind" is key to entering other realms and being in a balanced objective perspective state. Meditations, "shamanic" journeys, altered states all take you to a stream of consciousness that defies any other access. This class presents a comprehensive understanding and a variety of altered states for you to experience. One will resonate with you more than others. Class includes: an introduction to experience the Clairs-clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaugustient, clairaudient, clairomniscient; "shamanic" journey, hypnotic meditation, subconscious meditative music, and defying the blocks that stand in your way.
Mercury Goes Retrograde
Mercury goes retrograde. Recorded Class with Patty Wallenberg. $30. We hear the expression “Mercury Retrograde” more often these days. Mercury goes retrograde 3 times a year for about 3 weeks, with the exception of 2022, when it goes retrograde 4 times!! So many bad things are blamed during this time period. There are even sprays and candles to help you survive.
But what really happens during a retrograde? What can you learn about yourself during this time? What are the things to be careful of and how can you move forward?
This event will give you some pointers and tools to survive the dreaded Mercury retrograde. It might even be fun!
Mercury Goes Retrograde
Mercury goes retrograde. Recorded Class with Patty Wallenberg. $30. We hear the expression “Mercury Retrograde” more often these days. Mercury goes retrograde 3 times a year for about 3 weeks, with the exception of 2022, when it goes retrograde 4 times!! So many bad things are blamed during this time period. There are even sprays and candles to help you survive.
But what really happens during a retrograde? What can you learn about yourself during this time? What are the things to be careful of and how can you move forward?
This event will give you some pointers and tools to survive the dreaded Mercury retrograde. It might even be fun!
Tarot 2
Recorded Class: $35; Prof. P. Wallenberg
Building on our previous class, (available as a recording) we will continue to explore the minor arcana. There are 56 cards in total with four suits: cups, swords, pentacles (coins), and wands (staffs). This class will cover the cups and swords. Add more depth to your readings as you begin to learn the remaining cards in the deck. It is not necessary to take the first class, however you may find it most helpful.
Tarot 3
RECORDED CLASS; $35; Online; Prof. P Wallenberg
Building on our previous classes, we will continue to explore the minor arcana. This class will cover the pentacles and wands. Add more depth to your readings by incorporating the remaining cards and learn to do a full 12 card reading.
Seers & Oracles
Recorded Class; Course Divination; Taught by Professor P. Wallenberg.
A seer is someone who visually perceives into the spirit realm. Seers often see many kinds of spirits, floating colored dots, and many other things. Back in ancient times, an oracle was someone who offered advice or a prophecy thought to have come directly from a divine source. The word oracle can also be used to describe the utterances of a seer or anyone else who is pretty darn good at predicting the future. Historical background. Are you a seer? Are you an oracle? Basic steps and practical exercises and outline to follow for future seers.
Tarot 1: An Adventure
Recorded Class: Taught by Prof. Patty Wallenberg The most validating and sought after type of divinational reading: a tarot card reader. In this class you will learn how to read various types of spreads and pulls; major arcana (22 cards). Learn the terminology, and the interpretational skills behind the methods. You may use your own deck or the online version.
Crystals & Pendulums
Recorded Class; Crystals & Pendulums; Taught by Heidi Bromm.
There are so many crystals with so many specific energies used independently or as a group combined as a magical formula. People wear them as jewelry, accents in their homes or place them under their pillows at night. But how can they help us in every day life? In assisting us to make a decision? In strengthening our skills, or in warding off dark energies. Learn about crystal properties, how to clean them, how to activate them, and how to combine them with other crystals for a more powerful outcome. Pendulums with crystals mold a tight bond with the owner/ holder of the crystal. How do you connect with your pendulum? How do you connect with your crystal? What can taint its energy and connection with you? Set up your language of communication with your pendulum and with your crystals in this class. What is the best type of pendulum for you?
Creating Your Altar
Recorded class. Creating Your Altar; taught by Patty Wallenberg; $35.
In this class - What does the term sacred space mean? How does it replenish your spirit? How do you create a sacred space? What is a sacred altar? Do you need one? Where do you create a sacred space in your home? Tips, ideas, rituals, details in creating, how-to, why and you feeling replenished.
The Application & Understanding of Sacred Geometry
RECORDED class. The Application & Understanding of Sacred Geometry; taught by Heidi Bromm.
Sacred Geometry is considered an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things. It is said that every natural pattern of growth or movement comes back to one or more geometric shapes. This class will teach you how to apply and use sacred geometry in your daily life; expand on the meaning of the term “Sacred Geometry”; the significance of sacred geometry in your life and examples in the world (hint: everywhere you look).
The Study of Crystals: strengthening your end result
Recorded Class. The Study of Crystals: strengthening your end result; Heidi Bromm
This is the "bring your crystals to class day"! The relationship with crystals is a unique one, and involves many levels of energy. A synergy between the holder of the crystal, and the crystal itself happens at a very distinct level. The key to making crystals your allies, is in understanding the communication process between you. In this class you will gain more insight into the subtle energetic language of crystals, make a crystal grid; learn about your crystals, which are the most powerful and which are the highest vibrating; how to use them to enhance your life and how to clarify your individual situations. This class is so unique in nature that even if you have taken crystal classes, or if you think you know who your best crystal friends are, you may be surprised at how the new knowledge after this class can impact your end result.
Casting Boundaries
Recorded Class. Casting Boundaries with Gloria Danvers, $35
In the physical world, setting good boundaries keeps friendships and relationships healthy, balanced and nourished. Are boundaries necessary in the world of magic and energy as well?
Most assuredly so. A worker in the magical arts and a being of light is very attractive to all types of people and energies, some not always pleasant or invited. How can you move effectively and be of service in this world and beyond and keep yourself clear and protected?
Please join our Natural Witch Gloria Danvers and Gryphons Claw as we explore how to set the energetic boundaries that will serve and honor you as you navigate your worlds, both the physical and the magical.
You are not alone: grounding practices & techniques in difficult times
Recorded Class
Angel Intuitive, Carolyn Wilson
We live in a world that challenges us daily. While many feel they are here all alone, that is NOT the case. This presentation includes honoring contracts we made in pre-birth planning, utilizing our free will in our decision making, guardian angel assistance, “reframing” your life, and utilizing allies and tools to assist you on your path. From mindset to Higher Allies, diet, exercise and supplements—Carolyn presents substantial support methods on reframing your challenging situations.
Shamanism: the core
This class is NOT available as a recording
Owner, Shaman Tracks, Shana Robinson
One of the difficulties in approaching shamanism is that many try to do it in a culturally specific way without having a framework of understanding. In this class Shana demonstrates the building of a foundation that takes away the complications of foreign languages and set experiences. Once the basics are clear, then the scaffolding can be fleshed out in many ways according to one’s affinities. This is a core class with definitions and plenty of time for questions.
Herbs for Our Times: vibrant health with at-home plant magic
RECORDED. Herbs for Our Times: vibrant health with at-home plant magic; Deb Krause
Learn how to transform common herbs or ‘weeds’ into useful, beneficial preparations to aid your good health. This class will be valuable for both beginner herbalists and people who are more experienced in working with plants. Herbs help maintain balance in our health and in our lives, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. If we have an illness, herbs can help us get back into balance and good health. Herbal use is not meant to take place of the medical system, but as we have learned, the medical system may not always be available. Learning how to work with the plants around us can empower us to take our health into our own hands. If we are able to maintain good health, we won’t need to rely as heavily on our already overburdened medical system.
Our bodies already know how to fight off illness and maintain wellness. Our immune system was designed just for that! Herbs can help the body do what it already knows how to do.
In this class, you will learn:
- How herbs nudge our body to do what it already knows.
- Where to get the herbs we need: Can we grow them? Order them in the mail? Shop for them? Do we go out and find them on our own?
- We will discuss safety, sustainability and quality as well as how we can preserve our herbs for future use.
- How to make herbal infusions, decoctions, tinctures, oils and salves.
To round out the class, we will take a virtual ‘weed walk’ and explore some medicinal and edible herbs that grow under our feet right here in Central Florida!
Upon completion of this class, you will have the knowledge to start working with herbs in your own home, or continue your practice. You will be able to use what you have learned right away and learn where to go for further knowledge.
On Sale
On Sale
Potion Remedies of Bach
Recorded class offered by Patty Wallenberg. Class cost: $45 includes 1 personal remedy bottle shipped to your home! PDF file of questionnaire for your personal remedy. Patty is a certified Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner who completed her studies at The Bach Centre in England.
Bach Flower Remedies gently restore the balance between mind and body by easing emotions such as anxiety, depression, fear, worry, hatred, doubt, and melancholy. Help peace and happiness return so that the body can work toward healing itself. The changes are subtle but powerful. This class introduces you to the Bach Flower Remedies that have been around since the 1930s created by Dr. Edward Bach.
What are Bach Remedies?
Certain flowers have associated healing properties. Each Bach Flower Remedy is based on properties of specific flowers, and how they align with human emotions. This approach to healing concentrates exclusively on the emotional and spiritual health of people rather than their physical symptoms. Healing on an emotional level has knock-on effects on other levels. A healthy emotional life and a balanced personality will allow your body to find its own natural state of health. Bach Flower Remedies can cultivate more confidence, a brighter outlook, or overcoming negative feelings. "As negative moods improve, the person would return toward better health", according to Dr Bach. Remedies are available in liquid form so that you can mix together the remedies you need to help balance your current emotional situation.
The process of using heat, transfers energy from a flower to water. The energized water is then filtered, and an equal quantity of brandy is added to it as a preservative.
The flower remedies are a safe, effective means for bringing about positive life change holding positive and balancing energies.
After the class presentation you will be able to create your own personal remedy which will then be shipped directly to your home!!!!!
From the Forest Witch: Fall Plants & Rituals
Recorded Class.
Altera Thomas Wright
In Altera’s area in Idaho, the forest, meadows, and mountain sides are incredibly beautiful and inspiring, filled with life, healing and magic. It is impossible to not feel a deep spiritual connection to the land. Each season has a variety of plants, herbs to gather and process for eating, medicine, or magic. In this class Altera shares a few favorite plant allies whose fruits she gathers during the Fall months- Elderberry, Hawthorn, and Rosehips. This class offers: a description of each ally, exploring their healing and spiritual aspects; recipes, how to incorporate the plants into your home apothecary, ideas for your magical practice, the importance of ethical, mindful wildcrafting and honoring the plant spirits. Safety precautions-if you are unable to gather and process your own plant material, options on where to purchase supplies will be offered.
Soap Making with Magick & Ritual for Holiday Gifts
recorded class
Sharon Gray
What better way to celebrate the holidays than to put a little bit of your personal magical self into gifts that you make and have fun at the same time. Soap! So much fun to make with our instructor Sharon Gray, who comes from a long line of making products from nature. In this class you will learn the four basic ways to make soap:
- Melt and Pour Soap Making
- Cold Process Soap Making
- Hot Process Soap Making
- Liquid Soap Making
Through videos and photos, Sharon demonstrates the cold process of soap making while making Coco Mintsoap. “One of the most important parts of soap making is the ritual aspect and how it ties into our own personal magick. I’ll also be covering the importance of being grounded before starting the soap making process, cleansing my workspace and tools, the blessing of my tools and ingredients, spells I use during my soaping making process, and thanking my Angels and Spirits” says Sharon. Favorite blessings, spells, cold process soap recipes and links where to purchase supplies will be offered. By the end of the class, you will have the knowledge and skills necessary to make your own Coco Mint soap for the winter season for yourself or to gift family and friends!
Higher Allies
Higher Allies & Apparitions
Higher Allies is our course that presents those spirit allies in other dimensions There are so many allies in other dimensions that are glad to assist us, we felt all magically-inclined folks should get to know how to tap into them. Classes on spirits, angels, power animals, faeries, elementals, the Sidhe, dragons,... This course presents the study of techniques and awareness to communicate with our allies.
On Sale
On Sale
Shamanism, Using Your Shamanic Compass in the Lower World, Part 1
Recorded Class. Shamanism, Using Your Shamanic Compass in the Lower World, Part 1, offered by Shana Robinson
In this two-hour class, we examine the geography of the otherworlds, an integral component of the major task of the shaman. In discovering the byways of the otherworlds, the shamanic practitioner encounters allies who share information and render assistance. In this first of two parts, we will explore and map the hidden ways of the Lower World with the intention of meeting a helping ally. If you are already aware of a helping spirit, it is an opportunity to continue building your relationship and exploring the Lower World. This work/class is NOT culturally specific and is based on the universal and near-universal techniques of shamans worldwide.
On Sale
On Sale
Shamanism, Using Your Shamanic Compass in the Upper World, Part 2
RECORDED CLASS. Shamanism: Using your Shamanic Compass in the Upper Worlds, Part Two offered by Shana Robinson
In this two-hour class we continue to look at the geography of the otherworlds and explore and examine the hidden ways of the Upper World with the intention of meeting yet another helping spirit. If you are already aware of your helping spirit/s, it is an opportunity to continue building your relationship and exploring the realms of Upper Worlds. We will use techniques for navigating in the otherworld to get answers to questions and for exploration. This work is not culturally specific and is based on the universal and near-universal techniques of shamans.
Dark Goddess Magic
Recorded class; $35; Prof. H. Bromm
Meet the goddesses who dwell in the dark, the ones who challenge and transform those that are sincere seekers. Goddesses that are oft regarded as all powerful and terrifying. Go deeper to discover the true nature of goddesses such as Kali, Isis and Morrigan. Many others will be discussed with recommended guidelines given on how to call upon them and work with them
Mundate Domum: Cleansing a Space
Recorded Class: by Prof. P. Wallenberg
Your home is your sanctuary and the energy that is part of your home influences how you feel and live in your space. But what if you "feel" something is off? Or what if someone asks you to "look" at their home, and you are not in the area because they feel something is "off"? In this class you will learn either for your home, or someone else's, how to combine a manner of remote viewing for distant clearing, with the techniques of scanning a space, be it your own or someone elses. Learn the system of identifying energy, good or bad through a routine of maintenance and awareness. Learn to shift stale and stagnant energy, replace it with more positive and upbeat motivating energy; learn simple but powerful cleansing techniques for spaces. Long distance cleansing of spaces other than your home will be included. Taught by one of our best remote house clearers, Prof. P. Wallenberg.
Protego Maxima: Wings of Magic
REcorded class; Prof. C. Wilson; Online
What are Archangels and Angels? How can they help us? How to Communicate with them; Archangels for specific issues (Finding Lost Objects, Communication, Selling a Home, Disagreements, Etc.); Your Guardian Angels; Earth Angels—The Ones Who Come and Help Then Disappear -- and Those that Stay, Gut Feelings are Angels,...
The use of Blessed Medals, Novenas, the Power of the Psalms, St. Joseph’s Prayer, Infant of Prague, Crystals to Protect your aura, thoughts manifest; releasing past life trauma and karmic debris; dealing with vampires, succubi and incubi; putting up your wings/shielding; protecting your home, office and vehicle; Angel Art – the beautiful, moving representations of the Invisible Armies
Magic of the Sidhe
Recorded Class; Taught by Professor Carla Meeske. The Sidhe (shee) are a Faery race who live in a parallel dimension to ours. Humans and Sidhe share a common ancestry, and long ago we walked together, but things shifted and the Sidhe went into the hollow hills. Stories abound of our reconnecting with them, remembering the shimmering path of beauty that they embody. In this class we will learn about the Sidhe, and using the Shamanic Journey, connect with the Sidhe teachers who are reaching out to you. The Sidhe have great power to lend us - we will ask for a magical gift that we can use to manifest and create our lives in harmony and beauty.
Talks with Friendly Spirits
Recorded Class; $35. Taught by Sher Cirmo
hey’re around us all the time. Some are friendly, some are not, and some are family that are desperately trying to reach out to those they love. How do you contact a spirit? How do you know if a spirit is present? Good spirits vs bad spirits. Famous mediums and how they talked to spirits; messages. feelings. smells. Unexpected and unexplained occurrences. Learn from our medium Professor who will take you through these steps.
Protego Maxima: studies with Archangel Raphael
recorded class. Protego Maxima: studies with Archangel Raphael; Carolyn Wilson
This intensive Archangel Raphael study class includes history, prayers, visitations and validations, Prof Wilson's personal experiences and how to connect.
Living with Counterparts of Archangels
RECORDED. Living with Counterparts of Archangels; Heidi Bromm. $35.Did you know that the Archangels have a divine counterpart, the feminine to their masculine if you will? Discover who these female ArchAngels (Archeia) are, how they can assist you on your journey on earth and how to connect with them.
Protego Maxima: studies with Archangel Michael & Gabriel
Recorded Class. Protego Maxima: studies with Archangel Michael & Gabriel with Carolyn Wilson
This is intensive Archangel study class which includes history, prayers, visitations and validations, portals, Prof Wilson's personal experiences and how to connect with our powerful Archangels and angels.
Dipping Into Your Ancestral Pool
Recorded Class. $30 taught by Shana Robinson
Dipping Into Our Ancestral Pool
Ancestors are one of the many pools of wisdom into which the shaman, witch, and mage dip. While often related to kinship, the wisdom of the ancestors goes beyond the study of genealogy. Although bloodlines can be important, there are other lines that are just as significant: milk lines, heart lines and spirit lines. In our discussion, we will cover these essential distinctions. Once we have an idea who our ancestors are, we can begin to see how they affect our lives today and explore what we can do to honor them.
Manifesting a Miraculous Life with the Divine 2 hr
Recorded Class, taught by Karen Paolino.
Karen Paolino is a renowned Angel Intuitive, Soul Medium, International Speaker, Author & Trainer. Learn to co-create with your angels and your divine spiritual family to manifest your highest and best in every aspect of your life. Come and release what gets in your way of manifesting and discover two powerful manifestation techniques to initiate the flow of miracles into your life.
Magical Creatures
The Assessment of the Beast: Is your dog a candidate for therapy dog work
Recorded class; $35; Prof. K Kilpatrick;
Does your dog have what it takes to be a therapy dog? Wonder no more. In this class, long time expert, Prof. Kilpatrick will address all your questions including what responsibilities a CGC dog has, training; information, you will be all ready to have your dong certified by the end of the class. Certification location will be provided.
The Quest of Remote Viewing
Recorded Class: offered by M. H. Schmidt
Remote viewing is described as the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target.This gift comes in most handy: finding missing persons, animals, keys to your car, checking in on the health of a loved one, ....ah, the gift of Remote Viewing that enables you to use your magical and intuitive powers! A gift that assists you through using your original senses and combines them with your extraordinary senses, without the limitations of time and space. Learn how others have done this, how the government has used this, and how you can do this. Exercises, instruction and individualized guidance in class forum taught by one of our most skilled remote viewers.
Communication with Beasts Extraordinaire
Recorded Class: Taught by M.H. Schmidt. In the world of animal communication we connect with the creatures of the world. Many times it is with your companion animals, but there are life forms that we don't know about or even consider as being sentient such as the earthworm, bat, praying mantis, an ant or a butterfly. This class will reveal some unusual creatures, as well as present alternative ways of communicating with unusually fantastic beasts.
Canis Animadorto Alohamora: Opening the mind of a dog Course: Fantastic Beasts
Recorded class: K. Garcia
Social media was all abuzz with thousands of followers this pup and his owners. This class has been changed to an online class, and will cover a great deal of learning how to open your dog's mind and teach them practical tricks. Expand even further, learn to align with your dog, teach your canis to respond to your requests by following the swish of a wand, or wave of your hand, throwing trash out, following wand gestures, and much more....this your foundation to training.
Animal Communication: Unspoken Language
Recorded class; Taught by J.R. Maldonado
This class covers: body language between animals and humans and how it is all interpreted; receiving information from a photo; basis of remote viewing- seeing through their eyes; acknowledging your blocks; recognizing who you are talking to - an animal, a spirit, or your own mind. Meditations, practical applications and grounding exercises.
Animal Communication: Telepathic Talk
Recorded class; Taught by Prof. Mary Helen Schmidt
Telepathy, the communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses has been practiced amongst various species for centuries. Class content will includes differentiating your feelings from the animal’s feelings. Relationships with your animals and how to improve them; your beliefs, and what can be released that interferes with your communication. Meditations, practical applications and grounding exercises, relaxation and calm give birth to clear passageways of interacting with your animals.
Animal Communication: the essence of the animal
Recorded class. $35.Mary Helen Schmidt. One of our basic classes in the animal communication department which included meditation to ground and receive clear messages from animals. Focus is on receiving what is the "essence" of the animal you are communicating with, how each is different and the ethics in animal communication.
Animal Communimcation: conversational basics
Recorded class: Animal Communication, Conversational Basics; Prof. J. MaldonadoI am delighted to share the Animal Communication Classes I taught at Rollins College and bring them directly to your computer screen.
Before sitting down to a cup of coffee with your pup and exchanging a few words on the shoes they just chewed, you may want to learn to speak "their" language. We are constantly communicating with our animals, by the way we speak, our posture, how fast we are breathing and even the way we walk. But what if you knew what they were thinking? What food they liked? How are they feeling? Do they like their new home? or new family member? Conversational Basics teaches you how to communicate in their parallel world by using intuition. Once you learn how to communicate using your "other senses" you are all set to learn how to develop further communication skills, telepathy, body language of both animals and humans energy and how to feel the essence of your animal. Learn how to develop your own language so that you can understand what is being conveyed. Practical applications and grounding, balancing exercises.
Canine Behavioral Reprogramming
RECORDED. Canine Behavioral Reprogramming; recorded class, taught by Tami Hull. The perfect class for dog owners that have questions on reprogramming their pups' behavior. Based on questions, photos, and videos presented by students, this class includes behaviors such as barking, resource guarding, leash walking, e collars, anxiety, digging holes, human to dog bonding and many other topics.
Animal Communication Lab 1
RECORDED. Animal Communication Lab;Mary Helen Schmidt. Interactive class in the animal communication series. (prerequisite class Keys to Portals, the stillness of the mind: meditations & altered states). In this class we will give you the ability to open your intuitive gifts and connect with animals.
To complete your studies in Animal Communication through GCSPM, and receive your certification from GCSPM, a LAB class, which is a more advanced interactive animal communication class, is required. Taught by animal communicator and Department Head of Fantastic Beasts, Mary Helen Schmidt this class includes more practice with receiving and sending information to animals; communicating through photos of animals and live animals during class; using your skills of automatic writing, automatic drawing; remote viewing, or any of your clairs. Previous animal communication classes are necessary.
Learning the Path of a Seer
Recorded and originally only available to students that were in the 2021 class, however if you are interested, I will work with you individually for you to master these skills.
Learning the Path of a Seer, a thorough study program in the skill of being a Seer in modern times with J.R.Maldonado. This is a 4 part progam:
part 1
History and understanding of the role of the Seer. Ethics of the Seer's role. This section includes detailed explanations and interactive exercises in clairvoyance & clairaudience. We will ascertain which gift comes naturally to you, which is stronger, easier and weaker and how to build each one.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see things which are not physically apparent. Symbols, images, or words appear as mental impressions that are relayed to us.
Clairaudience is using the outer ear and the inner ear in receiving information. “Voices” come to us as "thoughts" rather than actually a human voice, however some do actually "hear".
part 2: Homework reviewtraining & exercise boost to part 1; a continuation of clairvoyant & clairaudient assignments review and strengthening.
part 3
This section includes detailed explanations and interactive exercises in clairsentient, clairguscience and claircognizance. Detailed explanations and interactive exercises to ascertain which gift comes naturally to you, which is stronger, and how to build each one.
Clairsentient serves as a variety of sensing and feeling experiences in communication. It includes psychological traits, gut feelings, physical sensations, paranormal occurrences and even medical symptoms.
Clairguscience corresponds to the physical senses of both smell and taste, which is very often detected in a physical way. You may detect a scent such as cigar smoke, or the smell of a specific perfume connected with a loved one. You may also receive a specific taste in your mouth such as honey or a sour taste like grapefruit.
Claircognizant (clear recognition) is simply knowing through some gut instinct without any evidence. Claircognizants know specific things through their own feelings, which are directly manifested as thoughts.
part 4 homework review
training and excercise boost to part 3. Wrap up and review of material in all parts. Concepts in how to begin your path of a Seer.
Dog Body Language: communicating in a way they understand
Dog Body Language: communicating in a way they understand, $30. This class is being scheduled for 2023 and is being taught by Tami Hull. Please check back for dates.
Tami Hull canine behaviorist, owns and operates Primal Instincts of Winter Springs, Fl. With an extensive and varied background in canine training techniques she's acquired from traveling across the U.S., as well as years of canine intuitive training and body language, Tami offers a thorough evaluation and training method. In this class she will teach the relevancy of dog language; what it means to the dog, to the human, what you are communicating and what you are negotiating with your pack and other dogs. Addressing leadership with dogs.
Path of A Seer
Dark Goddess Magic
Recorded class; $35; Prof. H. Bromm
Meet the goddesses who dwell in the dark, the ones who challenge and transform those that are sincere seekers. Goddesses that are oft regarded as all powerful and terrifying. Go deeper to discover the true nature of goddesses such as Kali, Isis and Morrigan. Many others will be discussed with recommended guidelines given on how to call upon them and work with them
The Quest of Remote Viewing
Recorded Class: offered by M. H. Schmidt
Remote viewing is described as the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target.This gift comes in most handy: finding missing persons, animals, keys to your car, checking in on the health of a loved one, ....ah, the gift of Remote Viewing that enables you to use your magical and intuitive powers! A gift that assists you through using your original senses and combines them with your extraordinary senses, without the limitations of time and space. Learn how others have done this, how the government has used this, and how you can do this. Exercises, instruction and individualized guidance in class forum taught by one of our most skilled remote viewers.
Mundate Domum: Cleansing a Space
Recorded Class: by Prof. P. Wallenberg
Your home is your sanctuary and the energy that is part of your home influences how you feel and live in your space. But what if you "feel" something is off? Or what if someone asks you to "look" at their home, and you are not in the area because they feel something is "off"? In this class you will learn either for your home, or someone else's, how to combine a manner of remote viewing for distant clearing, with the techniques of scanning a space, be it your own or someone elses. Learn the system of identifying energy, good or bad through a routine of maintenance and awareness. Learn to shift stale and stagnant energy, replace it with more positive and upbeat motivating energy; learn simple but powerful cleansing techniques for spaces. Long distance cleansing of spaces other than your home will be included. Taught by one of our best remote house clearers, Prof. P. Wallenberg.
History of Curses & Spells
Recorded class; $35; Prof. H. Bromm; Online
Do you know the difference between a curse, a spell or a hex? Have you personally experienced unexplainable things of the unpleasant nature in your life? your home? This class presented by our Department Head of Practical Defense Against Dark Arts, Prof. Bromm, takes an in-depth look at curses, spells, hexes and the-like across time and cultures through to the present; identify your source, type, and how to break these undesirable occurences.
Communication with Beasts Extraordinaire
Recorded Class: Taught by M.H. Schmidt. In the world of animal communication we connect with the creatures of the world. Many times it is with your companion animals, but there are life forms that we don't know about or even consider as being sentient such as the earthworm, bat, praying mantis, an ant or a butterfly. This class will reveal some unusual creatures, as well as present alternative ways of communicating with unusually fantastic beasts.
Seers & Oracles
Recorded Class; Course Divination; Taught by Professor P. Wallenberg.
A seer is someone who visually perceives into the spirit realm. Seers often see many kinds of spirits, floating colored dots, and many other things. Back in ancient times, an oracle was someone who offered advice or a prophecy thought to have come directly from a divine source. The word oracle can also be used to describe the utterances of a seer or anyone else who is pretty darn good at predicting the future. Historical background. Are you a seer? Are you an oracle? Basic steps and practical exercises and outline to follow for future seers.
Animal Communication: Unspoken Language
Recorded class; Taught by J.R. Maldonado
This class covers: body language between animals and humans and how it is all interpreted; receiving information from a photo; basis of remote viewing- seeing through their eyes; acknowledging your blocks; recognizing who you are talking to - an animal, a spirit, or your own mind. Meditations, practical applications and grounding exercises.
Animal Communication: Telepathic Talk
Recorded class; Taught by Prof. Mary Helen Schmidt
Telepathy, the communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses has been practiced amongst various species for centuries. Class content will includes differentiating your feelings from the animal’s feelings. Relationships with your animals and how to improve them; your beliefs, and what can be released that interferes with your communication. Meditations, practical applications and grounding exercises, relaxation and calm give birth to clear passageways of interacting with your animals.
Talks with Friendly Spirits
Recorded Class; $35. Taught by Sher Cirmo
hey’re around us all the time. Some are friendly, some are not, and some are family that are desperately trying to reach out to those they love. How do you contact a spirit? How do you know if a spirit is present? Good spirits vs bad spirits. Famous mediums and how they talked to spirits; messages. feelings. smells. Unexpected and unexplained occurrences. Learn from our medium Professor who will take you through these steps.
Herbs for Our Times: vibrant health with at-home plant magic
RECORDED. Herbs for Our Times: vibrant health with at-home plant magic; Deb Krause
Learn how to transform common herbs or ‘weeds’ into useful, beneficial preparations to aid your good health. This class will be valuable for both beginner herbalists and people who are more experienced in working with plants. Herbs help maintain balance in our health and in our lives, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. If we have an illness, herbs can help us get back into balance and good health. Herbal use is not meant to take place of the medical system, but as we have learned, the medical system may not always be available. Learning how to work with the plants around us can empower us to take our health into our own hands. If we are able to maintain good health, we won’t need to rely as heavily on our already overburdened medical system.
Our bodies already know how to fight off illness and maintain wellness. Our immune system was designed just for that! Herbs can help the body do what it already knows how to do.
In this class, you will learn:
- How herbs nudge our body to do what it already knows.
- Where to get the herbs we need: Can we grow them? Order them in the mail? Shop for them? Do we go out and find them on our own?
- We will discuss safety, sustainability and quality as well as how we can preserve our herbs for future use.
- How to make herbal infusions, decoctions, tinctures, oils and salves.
To round out the class, we will take a virtual ‘weed walk’ and explore some medicinal and edible herbs that grow under our feet right here in Central Florida!
Upon completion of this class, you will have the knowledge to start working with herbs in your own home, or continue your practice. You will be able to use what you have learned right away and learn where to go for further knowledge.
Creating Your Altar
Recorded class. Creating Your Altar; taught by Patty Wallenberg; $35.
In this class - What does the term sacred space mean? How does it replenish your spirit? How do you create a sacred space? What is a sacred altar? Do you need one? Where do you create a sacred space in your home? Tips, ideas, rituals, details in creating, how-to, why and you feeling replenished.
Keys to Portals, the stillness of the mind: meditations & altered states
RECORDED. Keys to Portals, the stillness of the mind:includes meditation, & altered states; recorded class with J.R.Maldonado.
Being in the "right frame of mind" is key to entering other realms and being in a balanced objective perspective state. Meditations, "shamanic" journeys, altered states all take you to a stream of consciousness that defies any other access. This class presents a comprehensive understanding and a variety of altered states for you to experience. One will resonate with you more than others. Class includes: an introduction to experience the Clairs-clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaugustient, clairaudient, clairomniscient; "shamanic" journey, hypnotic meditation, subconscious meditative music, and defying the blocks that stand in your way.
Potions are typically made from a combination of ingredients, which can include herbs, plants, minerals, animal parts, and sometimes even symbolic objects. The specific ingredients chosen for a potion are believed to contribute to its intended magical effect. Each ingredient might have its own correspondences, such as elemental associations, planetary influences, and metaphysical properties. The process of creating a potion often involves specific rituals, incantations, or magical practices. The practitioner might perform actions like crushing, grinding, infusing, boiling, and stirring while focusing their intent and energy on the desired outcome
Herbs for Our Times: vibrant health with at-home plant magic
RECORDED. Herbs for Our Times: vibrant health with at-home plant magic; Deb Krause
Learn how to transform common herbs or ‘weeds’ into useful, beneficial preparations to aid your good health. This class will be valuable for both beginner herbalists and people who are more experienced in working with plants. Herbs help maintain balance in our health and in our lives, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. If we have an illness, herbs can help us get back into balance and good health. Herbal use is not meant to take place of the medical system, but as we have learned, the medical system may not always be available. Learning how to work with the plants around us can empower us to take our health into our own hands. If we are able to maintain good health, we won’t need to rely as heavily on our already overburdened medical system.
Our bodies already know how to fight off illness and maintain wellness. Our immune system was designed just for that! Herbs can help the body do what it already knows how to do.
In this class, you will learn:
- How herbs nudge our body to do what it already knows.
- Where to get the herbs we need: Can we grow them? Order them in the mail? Shop for them? Do we go out and find them on our own?
- We will discuss safety, sustainability and quality as well as how we can preserve our herbs for future use.
- How to make herbal infusions, decoctions, tinctures, oils and salves.
To round out the class, we will take a virtual ‘weed walk’ and explore some medicinal and edible herbs that grow under our feet right here in Central Florida!
Upon completion of this class, you will have the knowledge to start working with herbs in your own home, or continue your practice. You will be able to use what you have learned right away and learn where to go for further knowledge.
On Sale
On Sale
Potion Remedies of Bach
Recorded class offered by Patty Wallenberg. Class cost: $45 includes 1 personal remedy bottle shipped to your home! PDF file of questionnaire for your personal remedy. Patty is a certified Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner who completed her studies at The Bach Centre in England.
Bach Flower Remedies gently restore the balance between mind and body by easing emotions such as anxiety, depression, fear, worry, hatred, doubt, and melancholy. Help peace and happiness return so that the body can work toward healing itself. The changes are subtle but powerful. This class introduces you to the Bach Flower Remedies that have been around since the 1930s created by Dr. Edward Bach.
What are Bach Remedies?
Certain flowers have associated healing properties. Each Bach Flower Remedy is based on properties of specific flowers, and how they align with human emotions. This approach to healing concentrates exclusively on the emotional and spiritual health of people rather than their physical symptoms. Healing on an emotional level has knock-on effects on other levels. A healthy emotional life and a balanced personality will allow your body to find its own natural state of health. Bach Flower Remedies can cultivate more confidence, a brighter outlook, or overcoming negative feelings. "As negative moods improve, the person would return toward better health", according to Dr Bach. Remedies are available in liquid form so that you can mix together the remedies you need to help balance your current emotional situation.
The process of using heat, transfers energy from a flower to water. The energized water is then filtered, and an equal quantity of brandy is added to it as a preservative.
The flower remedies are a safe, effective means for bringing about positive life change holding positive and balancing energies.
After the class presentation you will be able to create your own personal remedy which will then be shipped directly to your home!!!!!
From the Forest Witch: Fall Plants & Rituals
Recorded Class.
Altera Thomas Wright
In Altera’s area in Idaho, the forest, meadows, and mountain sides are incredibly beautiful and inspiring, filled with life, healing and magic. It is impossible to not feel a deep spiritual connection to the land. Each season has a variety of plants, herbs to gather and process for eating, medicine, or magic. In this class Altera shares a few favorite plant allies whose fruits she gathers during the Fall months- Elderberry, Hawthorn, and Rosehips. This class offers: a description of each ally, exploring their healing and spiritual aspects; recipes, how to incorporate the plants into your home apothecary, ideas for your magical practice, the importance of ethical, mindful wildcrafting and honoring the plant spirits. Safety precautions-if you are unable to gather and process your own plant material, options on where to purchase supplies will be offered.
Soap Making with Magick & Ritual for Holiday Gifts
recorded class
Sharon Gray
What better way to celebrate the holidays than to put a little bit of your personal magical self into gifts that you make and have fun at the same time. Soap! So much fun to make with our instructor Sharon Gray, who comes from a long line of making products from nature. In this class you will learn the four basic ways to make soap:
- Melt and Pour Soap Making
- Cold Process Soap Making
- Hot Process Soap Making
- Liquid Soap Making
Through videos and photos, Sharon demonstrates the cold process of soap making while making Coco Mintsoap. “One of the most important parts of soap making is the ritual aspect and how it ties into our own personal magick. I’ll also be covering the importance of being grounded before starting the soap making process, cleansing my workspace and tools, the blessing of my tools and ingredients, spells I use during my soaping making process, and thanking my Angels and Spirits” says Sharon. Favorite blessings, spells, cold process soap recipes and links where to purchase supplies will be offered. By the end of the class, you will have the knowledge and skills necessary to make your own Coco Mint soap for the winter season for yourself or to gift family and friends!
Shamanic Studies
Keys to Portals, the stillness of the mind: meditations & altered states
RECORDED. Keys to Portals, the stillness of the mind:includes meditation, & altered states; recorded class with J.R.Maldonado.
Being in the "right frame of mind" is key to entering other realms and being in a balanced objective perspective state. Meditations, "shamanic" journeys, altered states all take you to a stream of consciousness that defies any other access. This class presents a comprehensive understanding and a variety of altered states for you to experience. One will resonate with you more than others. Class includes: an introduction to experience the Clairs-clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaugustient, clairaudient, clairomniscient; "shamanic" journey, hypnotic meditation, subconscious meditative music, and defying the blocks that stand in your way.
Dipping Into Your Ancestral Pool
Recorded Class. $30 taught by Shana Robinson
Dipping Into Our Ancestral Pool
Ancestors are one of the many pools of wisdom into which the shaman, witch, and mage dip. While often related to kinship, the wisdom of the ancestors goes beyond the study of genealogy. Although bloodlines can be important, there are other lines that are just as significant: milk lines, heart lines and spirit lines. In our discussion, we will cover these essential distinctions. Once we have an idea who our ancestors are, we can begin to see how they affect our lives today and explore what we can do to honor them.
On Sale
On Sale
Shamanism, Using Your Shamanic Compass in the Lower World, Part 1
Recorded Class. Shamanism, Using Your Shamanic Compass in the Lower World, Part 1, offered by Shana Robinson
In this two-hour class, we examine the geography of the otherworlds, an integral component of the major task of the shaman. In discovering the byways of the otherworlds, the shamanic practitioner encounters allies who share information and render assistance. In this first of two parts, we will explore and map the hidden ways of the Lower World with the intention of meeting a helping ally. If you are already aware of a helping spirit, it is an opportunity to continue building your relationship and exploring the Lower World. This work/class is NOT culturally specific and is based on the universal and near-universal techniques of shamans worldwide.
On Sale
On Sale
Shamanism, Using Your Shamanic Compass in the Upper World, Part 2
RECORDED CLASS. Shamanism: Using your Shamanic Compass in the Upper Worlds, Part Two offered by Shana Robinson
In this two-hour class we continue to look at the geography of the otherworlds and explore and examine the hidden ways of the Upper World with the intention of meeting yet another helping spirit. If you are already aware of your helping spirit/s, it is an opportunity to continue building your relationship and exploring the realms of Upper Worlds. We will use techniques for navigating in the otherworld to get answers to questions and for exploration. This work is not culturally specific and is based on the universal and near-universal techniques of shamans.
Shamanism: the core
This class is NOT available as a recording
Owner, Shaman Tracks, Shana Robinson
One of the difficulties in approaching shamanism is that many try to do it in a culturally specific way without having a framework of understanding. In this class Shana demonstrates the building of a foundation that takes away the complications of foreign languages and set experiences. Once the basics are clear, then the scaffolding can be fleshed out in many ways according to one’s affinities. This is a core class with definitions and plenty of time for questions.
Working with Power Animals: the magical union
This is a recorded class.
Owner, Shaman Tracks, Shana Robinson
Who do you have in your corner? We all want to know that we have spiritual help particularly when we feel in need of support. Many groups of people experience this kind of support by connecting with helping spirits/guides that present themselves in the form of animals. In this class, we’ll talk about animal powers, how “power animals” influence those who recognize them, how do we know OUR power animal, and how do we partner with them. There will be an experiential piece as well that will assist participants in discovering a relationship with their animal spirit helper. Knowledge of shamanism, taking the FREE Shamanism: the core class is advised.
Omens & Signs: Reading Messages
Omens & Signs: Reading Messages;$35; recorded class; offered by Shana Robinson
- Omens & Signs are a practice of Divination.
- Sign - n., an expression of meaning or sense placed within a pattern of significance.
- Divination magic is that which gains the user (or diviner) insight into the unknown across time and space, such as the future, past, or across great distances and even dimensions. Divination practices are often based in nature, taking form through its elements. It can be done with things, such as tea leaves, bones, nuts, and water, as well as cards, and other non-nature-based components and assists in learning secrets long forgotten, interpreting dreams, predicting the future or finding hidden things.
- An omen is an event or happening taken as sign of something to come.
Many people believe that certain events or occurrences can serve as omens, providing insight into what is to come. In this class we examine forms of divination, with a focus on signs & omens, to understand the "how" of these methods of acquiring hidden meanings. How does divination become validation for us? We derive meaning from the many patterns we encounter. Tools like rising smoke, yarrow sticks, and pennies for example lead us to a significance within our lives. Mostly, we do this to find security and an underlying order to our existence and to help us make decisions. In this class we will use the method of using a rock to answer a question - a technique you can use to seek information. Bring a rock to class so that you can begin to use the process for yourself.
Witchy Ways
Dark Goddess Magic
Recorded class; $35; Prof. H. Bromm
Meet the goddesses who dwell in the dark, the ones who challenge and transform those that are sincere seekers. Goddesses that are oft regarded as all powerful and terrifying. Go deeper to discover the true nature of goddesses such as Kali, Isis and Morrigan. Many others will be discussed with recommended guidelines given on how to call upon them and work with them
Mundate Domum: Cleansing a Space
Recorded Class: by Prof. P. Wallenberg
Your home is your sanctuary and the energy that is part of your home influences how you feel and live in your space. But what if you "feel" something is off? Or what if someone asks you to "look" at their home, and you are not in the area because they feel something is "off"? In this class you will learn either for your home, or someone else's, how to combine a manner of remote viewing for distant clearing, with the techniques of scanning a space, be it your own or someone elses. Learn the system of identifying energy, good or bad through a routine of maintenance and awareness. Learn to shift stale and stagnant energy, replace it with more positive and upbeat motivating energy; learn simple but powerful cleansing techniques for spaces. Long distance cleansing of spaces other than your home will be included. Taught by one of our best remote house clearers, Prof. P. Wallenberg.
History of Curses & Spells
Recorded class; $35; Prof. H. Bromm; Online
Do you know the difference between a curse, a spell or a hex? Have you personally experienced unexplainable things of the unpleasant nature in your life? your home? This class presented by our Department Head of Practical Defense Against Dark Arts, Prof. Bromm, takes an in-depth look at curses, spells, hexes and the-like across time and cultures through to the present; identify your source, type, and how to break these undesirable occurences.
Creating Your Altar
Recorded class. Creating Your Altar; taught by Patty Wallenberg; $35.
In this class - What does the term sacred space mean? How does it replenish your spirit? How do you create a sacred space? What is a sacred altar? Do you need one? Where do you create a sacred space in your home? Tips, ideas, rituals, details in creating, how-to, why and you feeling replenished.
Flip The Switch On Your Inner Witch
Recorded Class. Flip The Switch On Your Inner Witch, $35, offered by Gloria Danvers
Do you have a name for that which you have always felt? A name and an intention for the energy that thrums through your body? In “Flipping the Switch On Your Inner Witch” Hypnotherapist and Witch Activator Gloria Danvers guides you through a Hypnotic style meditation to summon and communicate with the Witch within you.
Within the class: how do you access and claim yourself as a person of natural Magic? Is it as a Witch? And having claimed all of that, how do you find your talents, your purpose, your Magical path? She is waiting. Are you ready to answer her call?
Watch our YouTube Channel and see what a Witch Activator is:
Casting Boundaries
Recorded Class. Casting Boundaries with Gloria Danvers, $35
In the physical world, setting good boundaries keeps friendships and relationships healthy, balanced and nourished. Are boundaries necessary in the world of magic and energy as well?
Most assuredly so. A worker in the magical arts and a being of light is very attractive to all types of people and energies, some not always pleasant or invited. How can you move effectively and be of service in this world and beyond and keep yourself clear and protected?
Please join our Natural Witch Gloria Danvers and Gryphons Claw as we explore how to set the energetic boundaries that will serve and honor you as you navigate your worlds, both the physical and the magical.
The Thinning of The Veil
This is a recorded class. The Thinning of The Veil taught by Patty Wallenberg. Halloween (the Celtic cross quarter holiday of Samhain) is a time when we commonly hear the phrase the “thinning of the veils.” This is the close of the yearly cycle of the year when all things in nature are getting ready to rest. The hard work of the harvest is now complete and the weather gets colder. People now start to do their inner tasks and things slow down. This is the time when the ancestors get honored and you remember those who have passed to the other side whether they be people or pets. So many traditions have marked this time of year. This class will-explore the ways to connect with your ancestors, discuss how some of the traditions we do at this time of year came about, offer a ritual to honor your ancestors, and ways to work with your psychic skills to connect with the other side.
From the Hypnotherapist: Using Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness to Manifest
Recorded Class
Hypnotherapist, Heidi Bromm
Non-ordinary states of consciousness refer to altered or different states of awareness that diverge from our usual waking state. These states can involve changes in perception, thought processes, and even a sense of self. They are often associated with unique experiences, insights, and sometimes even profound transformations. This class will cover meditation and astral travel projecting, and dive deeply into creative visualization to manifest with a guided process. Creative visualization is a technique that involves using your imagination to create mental images of what you want to achieve or manifest in your life based on the idea that your thoughts and intentions influence your reality. Students are encouraged to bring a desire they wish to manifest into their lives.
From the Forest Witch: Fall Plants & Rituals
Recorded Class.
Altera Thomas Wright
In Altera’s area in Idaho, the forest, meadows, and mountain sides are incredibly beautiful and inspiring, filled with life, healing and magic. It is impossible to not feel a deep spiritual connection to the land. Each season has a variety of plants, herbs to gather and process for eating, medicine, or magic. In this class Altera shares a few favorite plant allies whose fruits she gathers during the Fall months- Elderberry, Hawthorn, and Rosehips. This class offers: a description of each ally, exploring their healing and spiritual aspects; recipes, how to incorporate the plants into your home apothecary, ideas for your magical practice, the importance of ethical, mindful wildcrafting and honoring the plant spirits. Safety precautions-if you are unable to gather and process your own plant material, options on where to purchase supplies will be offered.
From the Bush Witch: Samhain Practices; embracing your beliefs & environment into your practice
Recorded Class
Mindi Burford, Village Elder
Samhain is a Celtic festival that marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It is a time when the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is believed to be thin, allowing for communication with ancestors and other supernatural beings. Explore Samhain traditions with a unique focus on how personal beliefs and environment can influence these practices. This class explores Samhain traditions old, new, and those entrenched in cultural heritage as offered by Mindi, an elder, who lives in Bush Alaska. Surrounded by native Alaskan traditions, wildlife, and magical beings, her Samhain practices have manifested to embrace her environment. This class offers how you can embrace your beliefs and environment, and incorporate all into your Samhain practices. We will explore different ways for you to create your own Samhain traditions along with a time for Q and A discussions during the class.
From The Clearing Witch: Practices & Rituals of Clearing Objects & Places
Recorded Class
Patty Wallenberg
We bring into our homes a mixture of energies from the people who live there to the people who visit, to the things we bring in, and the things other people bring in. Recognizing that energies affect everyone who lives within a home is very important. You may not even know how these energies are affecting you and members of the household. This class will teach you how to become aware of the energy of the items that are brought into a home, and how it affects the people who live there as the energies that come together; ways to clear your space, and clear the items that reside there. Students are encouraged to bring an article to class to clear; we will work on clearing objects and clearing a room using a variety of techniques.
From the Headmaster: Manifesting, How Thoughts become Things
Available as a Recorded Class
Jo Maldonado
Manifestation, often associated with the law of attraction, is a belief that you can attract positive outcomes or experiences into your life through your thoughts, intentions, and actions. This class includes a step by step protocol witch setting clear intentions, positive mindset, focus and concentration, releasing preconceived concepts, and trust. Students will experience the difference between structured manifesting and working from a heart space. Please bring a journal and what you are would like to manifest.