- Divination
- >
- Scrying
Scrying; live online class;$35.00;Oct. 19, 11 Am to 1 PM, EST; offered by Gloria Danvers
Scrying is also called gazing, and it is a
divination practice can involve peering into a
reflective surface, such as a crystal ball, a
mirror, or a pool of water, to induce a trance-
like state. It can also involve simply staring into
a flame, at the sky, or watch clouds shape-shift
in the sky.
In this class I will show you some of the tools
and methods that can be used for scrying.
Knowing that what works for one person may
not work for another, we’ll experiment with
various techniques to find what best resonates
with you.
There are many purposes to learning and
practicing the art of seeing, scrying and gazing.
One purpose would be to gain insight, wisdom,
or visions related to questions or situations in
one's life, or to see an alternate reality, or what
the future may bring for you.Although, as anyone who uses divination will
tell you, the knowledge comes as spirit decides
to deliver it and one must put oneself aside in
order to take in the images and impressions as
they are being given and not ponder on what it
all means in that moment.
So this is also a class on intuition, patience
and trust.
I’m looking forward to sharing my knowledge
about this ancient technique with you.
See you in class!