- Divination
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- Omens & Signs: Reading Messages
Omens & Signs: Reading Messages
Omens & Signs: Reading Messages;$35; recorded class; offered by Shana Robinson
- Omens & Signs are a practice of Divination.
- Sign - n., an expression of meaning or sense placed within a pattern of significance.
- Divination magic is that which gains the user (or diviner) insight into the unknown across time and space, such as the future, past, or across great distances and even dimensions. Divination practices are often based in nature, taking form through its elements. It can be done with things, such as tea leaves, bones, nuts, and water, as well as cards, and other non-nature-based components and assists in learning secrets long forgotten, interpreting dreams, predicting the future or finding hidden things.
- An omen is an event or happening taken as sign of something to come.
Many people believe that certain events or occurrences can serve as omens, providing insight into what is to come. In this class we examine forms of divination, with a focus on signs & omens, to understand the "how" of these methods of acquiring hidden meanings. How does divination become validation for us? We derive meaning from the many patterns we encounter. Tools like rising smoke, yarrow sticks, and pennies for example lead us to a significance within our lives. Mostly, we do this to find security and an underlying order to our existence and to help us make decisions. In this class we will use the method of using a rock to answer a question - a technique you can use to seek information. Bring a rock to class so that you can begin to use the process for yourself.